Process, aspect, and the impact of globalization in the Life Nation and country.
1. Understanding Globalization
Globalization comes from kat "Global" whose meaning is universal.
Globalization means a process that includes a whole in various spheres
of life so it does not seem to mention the boundaries of the real tie.
Globalization in a literal sense is a social change, a growing
attachment between people and the elements that occur due to
transculturation and technological developments in transportation and
communications that facilitate cultural exchange and international
Understanding globalization according to experts such as:
a. Malcolm Waters
Globalization is a social process that resulted in that geographical
restrictions on the social situation became less important, which is
manifested in the person patience.
b. Ammanuel Ritcher
Globalization is the global network society that simultaneously brings
together previously dispersed and radiated-terisolisasi to the
interdependence and unity in the world.
c. Thomas L. Friedman
Globalization and technology have ideology. Ideological dimension of
capitalism and free markets. While the dimensions of information
technology is a technology that has been bringing the world together.
d. Princeton N. Lyman
Globalization is a very fast petumbuhan the interdependencies and
relationships between state-neraga in the world in terms of trade and
e. Leoner Briones
Globalization also includes the insntitusi-social development of
democratic institutions, human rights human family, and the women's
Globalization according to Major Indonesian dictionary are things in
general and the overall incidence of relating to the world, including in
which there is a national policy that treats the whole world as an
environment worthy of attention. (2)
2. Globalization Process
Some aspects of life related to the development of the process of
globalization that have broad impact on the international community.
a. Globalization of information
Increasingly dynamic and rapidly, for example in realtime broadcast news
(from the scene when the incident occurred) can be communicated
directly to the international community, such as the earthquake asia
tsunami that struck the region on December 26, 2004, in a short time can
broadcast live by one of the station private.
b. Globalization Telecommunications
For example, the kit can be requested via the internet to process,
manipulate any information no matter where we are in various forms.
c. Global Community
Changes in the values of the society due to the flow of information,
for example in the case of music, the capital market and money market
comudity, and others.
d. Information explosion
The rate of growth and the accumulation of knowledge and information rapidly rising sharply.
e. Anxiety Information
Rapid development of certain issues that the source is unclear, but is
believed to be the actual problems, such as terrorism, disease outbreaks
and others.
f. Information Society
The development of the economic structure of developed countries, namely from industrial society to an information society.
3. The phenomenon of Globalization
The phenomenon of globalization which is being faced by mankind since
the 20th century can be characterized by several things, such as:
a. Current ethnic
Characterized by high levels of human mobility in the form of immigrants, tourists, refugees, workers, and immigrants.
b. Flow Technology
Characterized by mobility technology, the emergence of multinational and
transnational corporation whose activities can penetrate national
c. Financial Flows
That arise with the increasing mobility of capital, investment, purchases via the internet and safe deposit in a foreign bank.
d. Flow Media
Characterized by the growing strength of the mobility of information, both through print and electronic media.
e. Flow of Ideas
Characterized by intensified the new value is entered into a state.
By looking at the globalization phenomenon, found signs perceived in everyday life about globlaisasi.
- Increased global trade.
- To increase International capital, including foreign direct invetasi.
- Increase cross-border data flows, such as the use of internet, satellite and telephone communications.
- The insistence of the various parties to prosecute war criminals in
international criminal tribunal to call for international justice
- Increased international cultural exchange through the export of such Hollywood films.
- Wide understand multiculturalism and individuals greater access to a variety of cultures.
- Increased's journey and tourism across the state.
- Development of global telecommunications infrastructure.
- Development of the global financial system.
- Increased activity of the world economy dominated by multinational companies.
- The increasing role of international organizations, such as WTO, EIPO, IMF, who tried to international transactions.
4. Aspects of Globalization
a. Economic Aspects
Refers to the merging of economic units in the world into a single economic unit of the world.
b. Aspects of Culture and Religious
Refers to new ideas that come from all over the world.
c. Aspects of Technology
The development of information technology that ultimately unites the world into a place without boundaries.
d. Demographic aspects
Refers to the movement of people who apply to change the demographic pattern of a country.
5. Trends in the Era of Globalization
As for some of the trends of globalization can be described as follows:
a. Changes Akseleratis
A rapid change in all fields, especially related to economic
interdependence or dependence, information technology, and
communications between the countries borders.
b. Capital Flow Without Borders
Ie the growth of the investment climate that covers a wide range of products.
c. Knowledge economy
With the establishment of the globalization of economic relations
between bengsa can be for academic study of science, economics, policy
and business world government bail.
d. Hiperkompetisi
That is all he was good from the corporate world, the world indistri, or
the governments always compete to gain sympathy and market segments as
much as possible.
e. Globalization and Complex
Ie everything that with transnational product has a close interdependence that requires a high level of management and konpleks.
6. Challenges of Globalization
The real challenge in the era of globalization is the increasing
complexes all walks of life due to information technology. The
fundamental challenges of globalization and will face, among others, the
- Individualism attitude, namely the emergence of trends over important put yourself together.
- Youths appreciation, ie the number of young people who have forgotten the fighters and the nation's identity.
- A critical look at the ideology of the country, ie the number of
people who are indifferent to the country's ideology or philosophy.
- Community Diversification, that is emergence of groups with certain
professions that continue to compete in the various fields of life.
- High openness, the public demands of governance that emphasizes the
approach, dialogue, democracy, supremacy of law, transparency,
accountability, effectiveness and efficiency.
7. Perpetrator or Subject Globalization
a. Countries are mapped dichotomous.
b. Between government organizations, such as ASEAN, NATO, Europan Community and others.
c. International company known as the Multinational Corporation (MNC).
d. International organizations or transnational nongovernmental.
e. Oraganisasi non-formal organizations, secret and semi-secret.
8. Impact of Globalization
The positive impact of globalization, namely: Advances in technology and
information facilitate human in interacting with other human beings.
Negative impacts are: The number of people whose values and culture change by imitating, or their selectively.
Following the impact of globalization in various fields:
a. Economy
That is a global community that is no longer dependent on the boundaries.
b. Ideology
Namely the emergence of two major ideologies that dominate the world (liberal and social) in which the two are contradictory.
c. Politics
That is the effect of globalization on the political system in many
developing countries such as the political system. Liberal democracy,
democracy Pencasila, Social, Communists and so on.
d. Defense and Security
That efforts to maintain the country's sovereignty through the creation
of weapons systems, as well as the empowerment of the people and the
army formed a defense pact with NATO, SEATO, WARSAW, and so on.
e. Social
Ie the number of values and culture of the people who changed the way
imitate or apply it selectively. Such as the presence of modernization
in all spheres of life.
9. International Issues In Globalization Impacts
In the emerging economy, the global markets. Whereas in the emerging field of security about terrorism.
Below are some of the international issues related to the impact of globalization, namely:
1. Global markets and global competitor
In the global era, the goods. Services and products from different
countries will come in and compete with local products. Flow out of the
goods and services are no longer restricted.
2. Transparency (openness)
Transparency or openness especiallyto show on governing the country.
Closed government will not last long because the speed of information is
still able to break through various government concealed closure.
3. Pluralism
In a global society the relationship between human will be more
intensive and not just human compatriots, but people of different races,
religions, cultural values, language and customs. Respect for diversity
differences is needed.
1. Globalsiasi is a process that covers all the various aspects of life
that do not seem to mention the boundaries of the real tie, making it
difficult to be filtered or controlled.
2. That the process of globalization in the social aspect of going the
way through television media both directly and indirectly, and through
interactions that occur in masyarakat.
3. That evoked the era of globalization impacts on social aspects of the
changes are characteristic of village life that had been qualified by
the values of mutual assistance to individual, and the nature is
always instant in a person.
4. That the reduction in the impact of globalization on social aspects
such as the holding of the quality of human development, provision of
life skills, providing global and attitudes that foster insight,
rational identity and creating a transparent and democratic governance.
Thus this paper are arranged carefully and try to show that leads to
the discussion of the material. Of course we realize that this paper is
far from perfection.
Hopefully the reader can understood and constructive suggestions and motivating. So we expect, to improve and refine the paper.
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- Himpunan Ketetapan, MPRS dan MPR RI Berdasarkan Ketetapan MPR RI No. 1
/ MPR / 2003 Pasal 2 dan Pasal 4 Skretariat Jendral MPR RI 2005.