Using Drama To Improve Students’ Ability In Speaking
(A Study for Students at the Second year of SMA N 1 Palibelo in Academic Year 2010/2011)
1.1 Background of Study
One of the expressive language elements is speaking skill. Speaking is
the most common and important means of providing communication among
humans beings. Because speaking is linked to success in life, as it
important position both individually and socially. But, there is many
problems by some people especially student when they want to explore
their idea orally and they difficult to express their capability in
English skill.
According to Jenep (2010 :54) there are two factors that cause low
levels of student skills in speaking that is, external factors and
internal factors. External factors, including the use of Indonesian
influence in my family environment and society even in everyday
communication, many students still use the mother tongue of contaminated
one another. External factors include, lack of interest as well as
business students learn to speak with pronunciation, intonation, and
spelling are correct in speaking skills, except that students lack
confidence to express publicly.
Therefore, to guide the students speak English in the classroom,
teachers should have good and interesting technique of teaching. It
means that the teachers is required to create an appropriate learning
From the problems above the researcher suggested for using drama. It is a
flexible method based on Thomas et al (1999) ”appreciated the
flexibility of project-based learning which can meet the needs of
learner with varying skill levels and learning styles “, and the context
are established which balances the need for fluency and accuracy,
(Haines, 1989).Then, other than that Wessels (1987) found that using
drama activity helped to bring written materials to life by infusing the
lifeless print with feeling, imagination and thought for the learner,
more active participant in the learning process. And the next, Abdulhak
Halim Ulas (2008) and Jenep (2010) said that drama activities can be
used to provide opportunities for the student to be involved actively
and able to express orally their idea, do collectively, and
However, the application of drama in the teaching learning English might
face some obstacles. As for obstacle such as disclosed by Vu Thi Thanh
Nha (2009) include the class time is limited, its difficult to manage
and give prompt feedbacks on all working groups at the same time by the
class size of 30-40 students. Thus, it might result in a greater
workload for teachers and students if drama used as a time-controlled
class activity .
Related to the some description above, the researcher proposes to
assumes that drama is an influential and beneficial teaching strategy
can be used to provide opportunities for the student as a flexible
method and can be well worth it if the control time is set properly and
regularly not only in the classroom but also outside of classroom.
This research is very potential for researchers to provide a better
theoretical and practical understanding of using drama in teaching
learning because there are very few previous researchers who raise this
problem that is associated with inhibition of the ability of students
that later researchers tried to find the solution by drama method which
will could improve their ability in speaking.
The aim of this research is to know the effect by using drama to improve
the student’s ability in speaking and wants to investigates the
students difficulties in mastering speaking,
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